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Venture Unmanned Aircraft (UAS) Coverage

Program Highlights:
The new optional endorsement will provide additional GL coverage, on an aggregate or per occurrence basis, designed to protect drone operators from costly exposures not typically covered within a commercial insurance policy.

Minimum Charges per Limit:
$50,000 is subject to a $350 minimum premium
$100,000 is subject to a $700 minimum premium
$500,000 is subject to a $2,000 minimum premium
$1,000,000 is subject to a $3,000 minimum premium

Special Features:

Add-on drone coverage can be included via endorsement on most Venture General Liability Policies.

Aircraft, either fixed-wing or rotary-wing, without a human operator on board controlled by computers in the aircraft or under the remote control of an operator on the ground

Coverage for aircraft under a total of fifty pounds (50lbs) in weight including all attachments (e.g., cameras or other equipment)

Damages paid apply only to the amount of damages in excess of any deductible or SIR applicable to COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY

Amount and Basis of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Coverage:

Per Occurrence - $50,000

Aggregate - $100,000

Endorsement Effective Date - Unless otherwise stated – policy inception date

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